Jan 13

MSF announces major investment in amateur sports via its active rewards and loyalty program designed to promote and reward participation in amateur adult team sports


In an effort to increase participation in MSF adult team sports activities and further reward those communities that do, the MSF has established an Active Rewards and Loyalty Program (ARLP). Beginning in 2015, sports communities will automatically earn a contribution to their ARLP account for each category listed below. The accumulated funds may be used to send additional teams to postseason state tournament competition, wholly or partially paying the team entry fees for adult sports teams advancing to the MSF State Tournament from their sports community.

Below are the categories where active rewards dollars are earned and the amount earned.

 Active Rewards Dollars Earned
 League registered MSF adult summer softball teams registered from your community  $1 per team registered
 MSF adult state tournament entries entered by your sports community  $5 per team sent
 MSF adult member softball umpires from your community  $5 per umpire sent
 MSF adult registered softball tournaments held in your community  $5 per tournament registered
 MSF Fall or Winter non-softball league teams registered from a community that registers all their adult softball leagues with MSF in the same calendar year  $5 per fall or winter team registered
 Donations to Minnesota Softball Hall of Fame  10% of donation (rewarded to member softball communities only)
 League purchase of softballs  $.50 per dozen purchased
 Advance team purchase (10 or more) of state championship t-shirts  $1.00 per shirt purchased

Program Conditions

  1. Rewards dollars may be utilized effective 2015 and beyond
  2. Maximum accumulation in account is $1,000. Funds accumulated over $1,000 will be donated back to the MSF.
  3. Active rewards may only be used for paying MSF postseason state tournament entry fees. However, if a community has a special program to promote adult recreational team sports competition in their community or a special need for equipment or capital improvements a special grant request may be made to use their active rewards funds in that manner.
  4. In order to redeem active rewards dollars, all adult teams from sports community must be registered with the MSF during the calendar year redeemed.
  5. MSF will produce an annual report showing active rewards dollars accumulated/utilized by your community.
  6. This program is subject to change at any time and if ended in the future, the balance of active rewards in a sports community account ($1,000 or less) will be returned to the applicable sports community (dollar amount starting points for active rewards will not decrease).


As stated, this program has been initiated to promote adult state tournament team competition and reward communities for their MSF membership. It’s a major reinvestment in Minnesota amateur team sports competition by the MSF. With these rewards and incentives accumulating in 2015 and beyond, the MSF amateur team sports program is far superior to others in terms of actual participation cost and the ability to reward and promote your local program/teams. If questions arise, do not hesitate to contact the Minnesota Sports Federation office.