All of the hard work and dedication will come full circle in March with the Minnesota Youth Basketball Association State Championships. This year we will run all the tournaments in two weekends. Not wanting to compete with local youth tournaments, which drive youth programs, we have scheduled the State Championships in March. Look for our annual guidebook in December. The entry form is located in the links on the right.
Prior to the beginning of tournament play, should an MSF-owned and operated event need to be postponed to a later date (within 90 days of the original dates), there shall be no refund to teams that cannot play on the rescheduled date.
Prior to the beginning of tournament play, should an event have to be cancelled entirely, teams will receive a credit on the following year’s entry fee for the same event. The amount of the credit will be the original entry fee minus administrative/programming work already performed (i.e., salaries/independent contractors, website, program guides, rulebooks, promotion, flyers, postage, scheduling, rent, telephone, etc.).
Once a tournament has begun and a cancellation occurs (and the tournament cannot be rescheduled to be held within 90 days of the original tournament dates), no monetary credits will be provided to teams that did not receive the minimum number of games guaranteed unless money has been returned from the site in the form of unpaid umpire/referee fees, unused game equipment, and awards. The amount credited shall be distributed equally to teams that did not get their minimum game guarantee.
The Minnesota Sports Federation has hosted thousands of youth basketball teams at invitational, state and national tournaments since 1989. During this period the MSF has earned a reputation for providing teams with quality events and services at reasonable prices. We hope your team will join us at our youth basketball tournaments.
The MSF is proud to offer youth basketball teams quality, affordable and fun tournament opportunities.